Katalon Studio has provided rich libraries to verify different data types using matching, regular expression, JsonPath, and XmlPath. You should also avoid testing more than one API in a test case. It is painful if errors occur because you will have to debug the data flow generated by API in a sequence.

api testing best practices

We say that a given piece of code is testable when it’s easy to test with unit tests. On the other hand, a given piece of code is untestable when it’s hard or impossible to add unit tests to. The main goal of API testing is to ensure that the programming interface is secure, reliable, functional, and performant. Although being created for performance testing, Apache JMeter is commonly used for functional API testing. JMeter includes all the functionality you might need to test API and several other features that can enhance your API testing efforts.


API tests are also faster to run and more isolated than UI tests, which makes it quicker and easier to identify and resolve bugs. According to data from Andersen Lab, a UI test runs for approximately seven minutes while an API test runs for 12 seconds. Meaning, an API test is about 35 times faster than a UI test. API testing is also important because it offers several advantages over other types of testing, like unit and UI testing. To assess whether the API works like it’s supposed to, you need to run multiple tests. In this double-bill webinar, we revisit two sessions from Accelerate Vienna 2019 that share best practices for overcoming testing scale challenges with distributed execution and API testing.

api testing best practices

So the most appropriate tools should be chosen for testing the API of your applications. Moreover, the best practices mentioned in this article will help you make some informed decisions to implement API testing in your projects. API testing is considered Blackbox testing, in which users send input and get output for verification.

For instance, if you try to test Google, Google will automaticallydetect that you are not a human and instead of giving you an OAuth login screen, they will make you fill out a captcha. If the answer is no because the text could be changed – then usecy.get() with data attributes. Changing the text toSave would then not cause a test failure. The data-cy attribute will not change from CSS style or JS behavioral changes, meaning it’s not coupled to the behavior or styling of an element.

Rest Vs Grpc

Once we have decided on testing boundaries and requirements, we need to decide what exactly we want to test API for. Apart from the usual SDLC process, below are few testing methods. Perform test cases with known input configurations and ensure API meets the expected result.

Many testers fixate on the success or failure of each API invocation and discard the set of responses after they’ve finished running their functional tests. APIs are a vital component of the products we build at 3Pillar Global. Whether you are struggling with your current APIs, or planning an API strategy, be sure to download the Business Leader’s Guide to APIs.

  • However, many enterprises don’t have a robust API testing strategy as they may be unaware of the impact API makes.
  • It becomes a boundary, offering information that can be examined by error traps and is independent of changes to the code that created it.
  • Not only is API adoption growing by an order of magnitude, but so is the variety of API technologies used.
  • It will not make sense if the selected tool supports testing RESTful services while your AUT is using SOAP services.

These APIs likely change more infrequently and you avoid problems like throttling and A/B campaigns. Stub out the OAuth provider and bypass using their UI altogether. You could trick your application into believing the OAuth provider has passed its token to your application. Many OAuth providers also throttle the number of web requests you can make to them.

API is a computing interface which enables communication and data exchange between two separate software systems. Software system that executes an API includes several functions/subroutines that another software system can perform. API defines requests that can be made, how to make requests, data formats that can be used, etc. between two software systems.

Best Api Testing Tools For Building Functional, Secure Applications In 2022

Several common practices can help you avoid problems when you’re ready to execute your API tests against the live production server. Enables runtime error detection, advanced REST and gRPC API scans, and OWASP vulnerability detection. Since REST APIs do not have a GUI, all REST API tests must be performed at the message level, making it even more difficult for developers to conduct manual tests.

api testing best practices

API testing is performed at the business layer between data sources and UI. A tool that supports all testing types would be an ideal choice so that your test objects and test scripts can be shared across all layers. API consists of a set of classes/functions/procedures which represent the business logic layer. If API is not tested properly, it may cause problems not only the API application but also in the calling application.

Where Do Testers Perform Api Testing?

Not only is API adoption growing by an order of magnitude, but so is the variety of API technologies used. The same survey found that while REST continues to lead the pack, there was strong interest in emerging technologies like serverless, FaaS, WebSockets, and gRPC. Broadly speaking, 58% of executives say they’re prioritizing API initiatives in 2021. But even that number jumps in complex, highly regulated industries like financial services (62%) and telecommunications (75%).

api testing best practices

It’s also useful for newcomers who are helping to develop the API as they quickly get up to speed on how the various interfaces work. To make the most out of your testing efforts, you need to follow the best practices. Make a point of adding test cases to all API verification efforts that push the code to failure. This is part and parcel of out of band testing and it also verifies that the API fails gracefully rather than simply crashing the system with an unanswered call or a completely bogus response.

Testing verifies the business logic of an application at the API level, which connects data layers to user-interface layers. The tests can make requests to a single or multiple API endpoints to determine whether an API meets the functionality, reliability, performance, and security requirements. Software teams can then determine if applications https://globalcloudteam.com/ consistently receive the data responses they are looking for and if any performance bottlenecks exist. APIs, or application programming interfaces, have taken over the software industry. APIs provide critical pathways for software components to communicate, an essential service as software becomes increasingly interconnected and complex.

He leads large scale mobility programs that cover platforms, solutions, governance, standardization, and best practices. Here, you can create parallel execution of test cases to reduce dependency. For example, the test case for a download feature should not depend on the sign-in api testing best practices test case execution. It first arrived as a Google Chrome extension to test API services and now is a full-fledged automation tool for testing. Remember to include your development and QA teams in this discussion. That way you’ll pick a tool that works for the entire team.

Types Of Bugs That Api Testing Detects

Hence, performing security testing of APIs is a core responsibility that enterprise leaders must address. Any code can include File I/O operations like reading from a file, saving texts to a file, appending data to a file, etc. When it comes to writing unit tests for such File I/O operations, it can… In addition, having continuous testing in place to test your APIs regularly can help you avoid costly and embarrassing outages. There are a few benefits to testing positive and negative outcomes and tracking API responses. First, it can help ensure that all aspects of the API are working as expected.

If that is the case, usecy.request() to get the session directly from your server and bypass the provider altogether. It’s important to understand what API testing is and how to conduct it in order to stay connected in this digital economy and release products faster. Positive testsare designed to check the basic functionality of the API using required parameters as well as extra functionality using optional parameters. These API tests are designed to evaluate the actual running of the API and typically focus on monitoring, execution errors, resource leaks, or error detection. These API tests are designed to check that an API returns the right response for a given request. Microservices solve problems like scalability and allow faster innovation.

This also allows development and subsequent testing even if APIs are not yet complete. Simulate access to the behavior of the dependent resource, such as a database, a mobile app, a third-party service, or a legacy system. This testing is for API protection and confirms that the API application is safe from external threats. It includes testing the structure of access control, user rights management, validating encryption methodologies, and authorization validation. It is important to eliminate loose borders, unguarded interfaces, and unchecked data transfers within an API-driven technology landscape.

Focusing on these APIs before the others will ensure that the API servers, environment, and authentication work properly. Knowing the purpose of the API will set a firm foundation for you to well prepare your API testing data for input and output. A more accurate Test Case would be, can call the functions in any of the scripts and later check for changes either in the database or the Application GUI. Hardik Shah is a Tech Consultant at Simform, a firm which provides custom software development services.

They need to be tested using input and output data that covers the entire range the interface is intended to handle. This means covering the spectrum of possible values for each API parameter in as many combinations as possible. The API provides both information and acts as barrier against code functional errors. It becomes a boundary, offering information that can be examined by error traps and is independent of changes to the code that created it.

Any disruption in the back-end exchange of data, files and other information means an application won’t function well for your customers. That’s why the first step is to plan an API testing strategy that prevents connection disruptions. If an API undergoes multiple changes and a new error is uncovered during the regression testing process, it can be a monumental task to determine precisely which modification caused the flaw. Consulting a library of stored API requests and responses makes identifying the moment that the new problem occurred – and correcting it – much less of a hassle. Once the logic of an application is designed, API tests can be built to immediately validate the correctness in responses and data.


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